Crescent Health Clinic
Crescent Health Clinic is a naturopathic healthcare practice whose mission is not only to engage women and families in their community but to then educate and ultimately empower them to prevent and manage chronic health conditions, while encouraging clients to be patient, understanding and gentle with their bodies.
Branding, Print Design, Web Design, Copywriting
We referenced the Japanese concept of Wabi Sabi in the creation of a dynamic brand that uses watercolour images in variable circular marks to mirror the unique, uncontrollable quirks of our bodies. To encourage the love of every natural part.
The brand uses a 3 part dynamic logo system, each mode for use in different contexts: The Diva, The People Pleaser, and the Indie Kid.
The Diva is used first when space is abundant. Like Mariah Carey, this mark hates not being the centre of attention, so no other elements should be nearby.
The People Pleaser doesn’t want to get in the way, and is comfortable with hanging out in corners and giving space to other elements. It is used in presentations, on letterheads and anywhere else The Diva wouldn’t dare be seen. Also used when the logo needs to limbo a bit into short wide spaces.
The Indie Kid is for those in the know. It is used only on items being purchased by people who are already familiar with the brand, like totes, Ts and tinctures. It values aesthetic over like, advertising, man. You’ve probably never heard of it.
The business cards are printed with dynamic backs, so each is unique and reflective of the diversity of the human body.